Thursday, July 26, 2012

Are We Really Working For The Lord?

This week my heart has been heavy. It seems like every direction I turn, I see hurt and hunger. I guess it's always been there but only now does it seep into my soul. My soul longs for some way to help these people. But there are so many and I am so little. I am not rich. I don't even know if we qualify as middle class. We are blessed with freedom, food, a roof, and salvation. None or which we can take credit for. We have been blessed by others. This I am eternally thankful for. Thankful but not content. I want to be the one sharing God's blessings with others. I want to be the helper, not the helped. The provider of blessings not the receiver.

I wonder if people know about all of these needy bodies and souls all over the world. I mean, do they really know? We see "Feed the Children" commercials and we change the channel. We read about starving countries and child prostitutes but few actually try to help these poor people.

"Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble" Psalms 41:1

I expect more from us. More from Christians, followers of Christ. The Bible tells us to care for the poor. I know Jesus would not be spending His money on vacations or nice clothing. Jesus would not be here in front of this computer sitting in the air conditioning sipping a cup of coffee. Jesus would be serving, sweating, and working for God!!

I have a Facebook page where I post pictures of my family (mostly our children) to share with our friends and family all over the country. I have over 300 "friends" and I would guess at least 200 would claim to be Christians. When I post a cute photo of the baby, I receive some times 20 or so comments on her cuteness. But if I post a picture of a starving child, I receive one to two comments and usually from the same people every time. This makes me think there are so many others that are the way I was, knowing it's there but not allowing it to seep into the soul.

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others" Philippians 2:4

Our daughter Mary, helping a local charity donate school supplies to needy children.

Our family is trying to become more mission minded every day. We don't have large sums of money to offer nor do we have the resources to travel the world. But I can testify that if you truly want to serve the Lord and help the needy, God will provide a way! He has opened many doors for our family. He has provided opportunities and resources where we are right now. He is here to guide our efforts and transform our hearts & minds. But we have to want it. We have to see the world and want to change it. We have to think beyond our family's desires and instead focus on others' needs if we want to serve God. We have to open our souls and let the hurts of the world seep in until we can't hold anymore hurt. Then we have turn that hurt into work!

"Only they would that we should remember the poor: the same which I also was forwarded to do" Galatians 2:10


  1. First time reader... I stumbled on your post by searching Jesus and "care for the poor". and I am glad I found it. I posted a while back about making these kinds of surfing expeditions, and yours is the kind it is a joy to find. I am blessed.

    I sense that you are struggling to minister to the overwhelming need of shame and poverty that seeths just beneath the surface of our society. You are not adequate for the job. St. Paul asks, "Who is sufficient for this?" and so do I.

    I blog on Jesus and the poor (esp homeless) all the time. I have camped among them, taken them in, fed them, all kinds of things. And... no, I have not stopped up the need. "The poor you will always have with you," says Jesus, "and you can do good for them whenever you wish." I cannot change that, much as I wish I could. I also note that Jesus, though he healed all kinds of sickness and brokeness, and though he preached good news and forgave sins, and even raised the dead! that he never sent a poor person away with wealth. He never made the poor rich. He did not even make them "self-sufficient" as we might wish.

    But he did party with them! Luke 14 is a great place to see what he thinks about partying with the poor. (not to exclude other forms of help, but partying is central to the program.)

    My suggestion is to get hotdogs and grill them. It is a cheap way to through a big party. Take the grill to the park near the homeless. Start cooking and send a couple of kids or friends or whoever around the park handing out invitations.

    Pray over the meal, sing Amazing Grace or Jesus Loves Me (a couple of songs even street people are likely to know by heart or can join in simply enough) and even offer a brief devotional thought. But shake hands, get to know a couple of names and faces and promise to come again soon to do it again.

    You really do not have to give money (although I am not against it in any circumstance) but you said you are not rich. I suspect you can get amazing ministry started just repeating the meal with prayer and song occasionally.

    I hope that helps your struggle. If you think so, please drop by my blog and find more. If not, I will leave you alone.

    But I am always blessed when I find people struggling to stretch themselves to reach out and grow in just this area!

    Blessings... from Texas

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. I am new to blogging and new to mission activities. I have never really thought about the way Jesus dealt with the poor before now. That is definitely something I could benefit from studying further. Great idea about the grill and hot dogs! I will add that to my long list of activities I like to organize in the future. I'll check out your blog. Thanks for the blessings :)

