Selecting the perfect homeschool curriculum for a child can be a daunting task. Every child is different and every child changes from year to year. I love to hear what works and doesn't work from other families. That's one of the many advantages of having a strong homeschool support system. We have been blessed to find some of the most supportive homeschool families out there. None are the same. Each family is unique and each family has different struggles and strengths.
Our family has been pretty successful when selecting curriculum. We have had a few things that didn't work, but for the most part the material I have purchased has been great. Most of our success has come from recommendations from other families. I'm hoping that by sharing our family's recommendations we can be a blessing to another family. I also thought some of our friends and family might be curious about what we're teaching at home.
So here's our homeschool curriculum plan for 2013-2014. My material budget was around $300. We usually spend about $600 total on registration, testing, and materials. My Dad helped us this year by giving us $300 which will cover the cost of curriculum. I should mention that I pickup material throughout the year if I see it used and know I'm planning on using it in the future. I already had Mary's first grade social studies, science, and math.
8th Grade
Math- Saxon Algebra 1
Website description:
Algebra 1 covers all the topics in a first-year algebra course and builds the algebraic foundation essential for all students to solve increasingly complex problems. Higher order thinking skills use real-world applications, reasoning and justification to make connections to math strands. Algebra 1 focuses on algebraic thinking and multiple representations - verbal, numeric, symbolic, and graphical. Graphing calculator labs model mathematical situations.
Science- Abeka Earth & Space
Website description:
Earth and Space investigates fields such as geology, oceanography,
meteorology, astronomy, and environmental science with the goal of discovering
the thoughts of the Creator through the ingenious structure and orderly function
of His creation (Psa. 19:1).
Earth and Space is written from the
Christian perspective with the conviction that God is the Creator and Sustainer
of the universe. The text naturally rejects the unproven hypothesis of
evolution, recognizing special creation as the only reasonable explanation for
the origin of the universe.
Earth and Space also recognizes
God’s command for man to have dominion over creation (Gen. 1:28-30). From
geology to astronomy, the goal is to learn how man might extend his “dominion”
and make better use of creation. The idea of responsible conservation is
supported. With man’s dominion over the earth comes a responsibility to be a
good steward by tending, managing, and conserving resources. But the ultimate
purpose of creation must not be forgotten: the earth was made for man to
inhabit, and its resources for man to use wisely.
Language Arts- Lifepac
Website description:
Improving Communication, All About English, Punctuation and Literature, Words: How to Use Them, Correct Language Usage, Language and Literature, Critical Thinking, Write, Listen and Read, Speak and Write, Looking Back. Grammar is heavily emphasized at this level; you may wish to supplement additional literature study.
As your child gets older, the need for proficiency in written and spoken language grows. With the LIFEPAC 8th Grade Language Arts homeschool curriculum, you can be sure that your student is mastering these critical language skills. At Alpha Omega Publications we accomplish this by using a unique integrated approach designed to build critical connections between grammar, vocabulary, literature, writing, and speaking. The major benefit of this integrated approach is that it increases a student's capacity to apply language skills in everyday life. The LIFEPAC 8th Grade Language Arts Set consists of ten student-friendly worktexts designed to provide daily instruction and application as well as regular opportunities for evaluation. This Alpha Omega curriculum includes handwriting practice as well as instruction in etymology, punctuation, grammar, dictionary and thesaurus skills, written and oral language, and much more.
This is only the beginning! With a focus on independent learning, the LIFEPAC 8th Grade Language Arts Set encourages critical thinking and academic independence in your child. Also included is a must-have Alpha Omega curriculum teacher's guide designed to help you increase language proficiency in your child. Some of the useful features of this great teacher's guide include teaching notes, answer keys, alternate tests, and an abundance of enrichment activities. The addition of this material provides ample opportunity for individualization of the program according to your child's particular needs
History- Lifepac
Website description:
Europe Comes to America, British America, The American Revolution, A Firm Foundation, A Growing Nation, The Civil War, Gilded Age to Progressive Era, A World in Conflict, Cold War America, Recent America and Review.
Wouldn't you like your child to learn history from a biblical perspective? Reinforcing a biblical worldview, the LIFEPAC 8th Grade History & Geography homeschool curriculum integrates a biblical perspective into instruction in six major content strands. These strands, which are covered at most grade levels, include geography, history, government, citizenship, economics, and social studies. LIFEPAC 8th Grade History & Geography presents lessons in ten colorful worktexts. Your homeschooling child will study the complete history of our country beginning with a look at the exploration of the New World, conflict with Britain, the Revolutionary War, and the birth of the United States. Covered topics include Washington's presidency, Jeffersonian democracy, the War of 1812, the Industrial Revolution, the Civil War, the Wild West, the World Wars, and much more.
Student worktexts in this Alpha Omega curriculum include daily instruction and review as well as ample opportunity for assessment of student performance using self tests and unit tests. To encourage individualized instruction, we also have included a teacher's guide designed to help you guide your student's learning experience according to his specific interests and needs. This essential teaching resource includes teaching notes for each unit, a complete answer key, additional resources, and fun learning activities.
Reading- Christian Light
Website description:
Based on the reader Where Roads Diverge, this course centers around life choices. Many of the stories present eighth graders with examples of people who faced diverging roads, and how their choices affected themselves and others.
The five major themes are “The Right Kind of People,” “Every Good Gift,” “The Gifts of Love,” “Hold Fast Your Dreams,” and “Integrity.” Two or three lessons a week provide work for the whole year.
Many LightUnit exercises also deal with the theme of choosing, giving students tools for thinking through alternatives and taking the right road. Other exercises help students increase comprehension, analyze what they read, and apply it to themselves and their situations.
Home Economics- Christian Light
Website description:
This 10-LightUnit course introduces high school girls to skills and knowledge needed to be godly wives, mothers, and homemakers. Many hands-on assignments provide practice in these skills.
LightUnits 1-4 cover food preparation from basic nutrition to smart shopping to putting tasty food on the table. LightUnits 5-7 teach sewing from the basics of sewing machine operation to actually sewing clothing. LightUnit 8 discusses how to keep a godly home clean and clutter-free. LightUnit 9 covers child development from birth to the preteen years.
LightUnit 10 focuses on the student herself, giving her guidance in becoming a godly woman. She is challenged to understand herself, God’s plan for her body, her relationship with God, friendships, modesty, singlehood, and Christian courtship. (Grade 9 and up)
First Grade
Reading- Learning to Read, Christian Light
Website description:
Learning to Read introduces and reviews all consonants sounds, consonant digraphs, long and short vowels, most two-letter vowel sounds, and many sight words. It also integrates handwriting, spelling, and listening skills to create a complete language program for beginners.
Each sound is introduced with a picture card followed by a story focusing on the picture and new sound. For example, for the t sound, the story of children discovering a turtle with a house that “just fits” captures the child’s attention and motivates him to learn the sound.
The story ends with a fun rhyme to connect the sound with the letter—“/T,t,t,t/ Turtle Tim takes his house on top of him.”
Learning the rhyme and repeating it rivets the combination in the child’s mind. Questions about the story help develop comprehension. A moral lesson or truth about God’s greatness and goodness helps develop the child’s character.
Except for the Picture Cards and Sound Slider, second edition materials will not mix and match with the first edition of Learning to Read.
Language Arts 100 Second Edition LightUnits are integrated with this course. Students begin Language Arts 101 LightUnit when they begin Learning to Read 105-05 LightUnit. After completing Learning to Read, students will be ready for the Reading 100 I Wonder reader and workbook.
Social Studies- Abeka, My America and My World
Website description:
Children learn how our country was founded and what our basic freedoms are. They
meet several famous American patriots and take a trip across America. Good
citizenship is emphasized and reading skills are developed. Patriotic songs are
included. Introduces major countries and U.S. Territories.
Science- Abeka, Discovering Gods World
Website description:
This colorfully illustrated science text for first
graders presents God as the Master Designer of the world around us. The studies
of plants, animals, insects, energy, health, the seasons, and the five senses
provide an excellent introduction to science, with the emphasis on building
interest and augmenting the students’ reading skills. Hands-on activities to
help increase comprehension of basic science concepts are included.
Math- Everyday Mathematics
Website description:
Number & Numeration
- Count on by 1s and skip count past 100
- Use base-ten block structure counting
- Count collections of objects; estimate objects
Operations & Computation
- Create and solve number stories
- Solve addition and subtraction problems
- Develop readiness for learning basic addition and subtraction facts
Data & Chance
- Collect, order, record, and display data
- Explore equal-chance events and predict outcomes
Measurement & Reference Frames
- Tell time to the quarter hour
- Measure to the nearest inch
- Identify and describe 2- and 3-D shapes
- Identify and complete line-symmetric shapes
Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- Create numeric, visual, and concrete patterns
- Solve number grid puzzles
- Use expressions and number sentences
Handwriting- Zaner-Bloser
Website description:
The Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Grade 1 Student Edition
teaches students how to legibly write manuscript letters, numerals, words, and sentences.
includes easy step-by-step instruction and self-evaluation.
provides meaningful practice and application.
engages students with colorful, fun activities.