Saturday, May 26, 2012

Magical Tea Tree Oil

A few months ago I was introduced to a tea tree/melaleuca oil. It has definitely amazed me with it's wide variety of uses and effectiveness. I have only used it for a few ailments but I have found it to be more effective then other products I have tried. This lead me to do a little research to see what other uses there are for tea tree oil. Apparently there are tons! I advise you to do your own research before treating any condition with a home remedy but below is list I have compiled from many different resources on the uses for tea tree oil. 

But first, what is tea tree oil?
Tea tree oil is an essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. Historically, the leaves were used as a substitute for tea, which is how tea tree oil got its name. The part used medicinally is the oil from the leaves.Tea tree has a long history of traditional use. Australian aboriginals used tea tree leaves for healing skin cuts, burns, and infections.Tea tree oil contains constituents called terpenoids, which have been found to have antiseptic and antifungal activity. The compound terpinen-4-ol is the most abundant and is thought to be responsible for most of tea tree oil's antimicrobial activity.


Abrasions: Add 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil in a bowl of warm water to clean the abrasion. Tea Tree oil may be applied directly to the skin to stimulate regeneration of injuries and fight bacterial and fungal infection.

Acne: Using a Tea Tree Oil Soap to treat acne has been very effective for many.

Athlete's Foot: Being a fungal based problem, Tea Tree Oil does a great job eliminating the problem. Add Tea Tree Oil directly to the affected area as needed until fungus is completely healed or put 2-3 drops in your palm and add a carrier oil or lotion and apply at least once a day. Keep foot clean and dry.

Bad Breath: Add a drop or two of Tea Tree Oil and baking soda to your tooth brush. DO NOT SWALLOW!

Body Odor: Add several drops to bath water daily to fight off the bacteria causing body odor. Add a few drops to a small amount of baking soda and put in smelly shoes to eliminate nasty odors.

Boils: Wash the area surrounding the boil thoroughly and then apply full strength with a cotton swab two to four times each day for four days. A gauze pad saturated with the oil may also be applied directly to the boil for up to twelve hours. Also, there is clinical evidence that topical dermatological preparations containing tea tree oil may be more effective than conventional antibiotics in preventing transmission of MRSA. I wish I had known this when MRSA swept though my family six years ago.

Bug Buster: Keep a spray bottle mixed with 15 drops of Tea Tree Oil and a quart of water to repel insects. In the summer when you see ants on your patio or deck, spray your natural Bug Buster several times a day for several days and they'll find somewhere else to go. Natural doesn't work fast like chemicals, but then it doesn't kill a little bit of you either.

Burns: Being a non-greasy and volatile oil, Tea Tree Oil is excellent for burns. Any of the oil which has not been absorbed within 10 minutes will evaporate, allowing the skin to breathe. Speedy treatment is essential. The burn should be put under cold running water or packed in ice for one minute. Then, alternate applications of Tea Tree Oil and cold water for ten more minutes. The oil may be poured from the bottle directly over the burn. The oil can be applied liberally twice daily for three to four days if necessary.

Canker Sores and Laryngitis: Add 3-4 drops of Tea Tree Oil to one cup of warm water. Gargle this solution twice daily. Do not swallow.

Cleaning: Add 1 - 2 teaspoons of Tea Tree Oil to 1 - 2 cups of water in a spray bottle to disinfect and clean surfaces.

Cold Sores: Drastically reduce the healing time of cold sores by applying Tea Tree Oil directly or diluted if necessary to the cold sore.

Common Cold: Add a ten fifteen drops of Tea Tree Oil to a pan or sink of HOT water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam from the water as deeply as possible through your nose or just add to a vaporizer.

Dandruff: Add to your shampoo for dandruff, dry or oily scalp, and itchy scalp. Use 10 drops to an 8 ounce bottle. Diaper Rash - Apply 2-3 drops of oil mixed in your palm with a carrier oil (not baby oil - it contains mineral oil which causes Vitamin A deficiencies).

Dry Skin: Add 6 - 7 drops of Tea Tree Oil per oz. of Almond Oil and apply to skin often.Earache: Add one drop tea tree oil to one teaspoon olive oil. Gently drop a small amount into the affected ear for a few moment, then tilt head to remove excess oil. You can also massage the diluted oil around the outside of the earache. Repeat as necessary. NEVER apply tea tree oil to the ear without first diluting.

Fleas: Use 10 drops to 8 oz. of water and spray on animal's coat as you rub it in. It will be good for their skin also. This needs to be done daily until the problem is under control in the home. After all fleas are gone you can put it in a spritzer bottle and give your animal a spritz all over once or twice a day if fleas are in the area.

Fungus Nails: Andrew Weil, M.D. in "Natural Health, Natural Medicine", says Tea Tree Oil will clear up fungal infections of both toenails and fingernails even if they are resistant to strong systemic antibiotics.

Flu: Add ten drops tea tree oil to a warm bath and soak. After dilute five drops tea tree oil in one teaspoon almond oil and massage your whole body. Go to bed and rest.

Genital Warts: Simply dab a cotton swab into the tea tree oil and gently apply it to the wart. Repeat this once a day for 10 days. If the treatment is effective, the wart will eventually turn white and then fall off. Note that the tea tree oil may causing a slight stinging sensation.

Hair: Add a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner.

Infected/Sore Nails - Applied several times a day.

Insect Bites and Stings: As soon as possible, apply the oil full strength directly to the bite with a finger or cotton ball. I felt immediate relief!

Laundry Disinfectant: For heavily soiled, bacteria ridden laundry, add one teaspoon to the washer to disinfect and reduce transmission of fungal infections.

Leeches: To remove leeches apply one or two drops of tea tree oil directly to the leech

Lice - Mix five drops of Tea Tree Oil in a teaspoon of shampoo and wash the hair. Repeat this treatment twice daily until the lice are gone.

Mites: Use 10 drops in a tablespoon of water.Then take a small eyedropper and squirt in one ear at a time, instantly covering the opening with the ear flap and a towel to avoid it being shaken on or around the animal. You can also use olive oil instead of water which will "stick" better to the ear. Spend at least a full minute massaging the ear to keep the animal from shaking it all out before it gets into the ear canal and begins doing its work. Massage as long as you can because it could be a one administration event if you can keep it all in there for 3 - 5 minutes. Be sure to wipe any residue off with either method so you don't have the dog or cat ingesting it since smaller weight animals can get too much of it quickly.

Mustiness and mold: Add 15 drops of tea tree oil to 2 cups water in a spray bottle and spray generously to eliminate mold and musty odors.

Nasal Congestion:  boiling water. Inhale the vapours for 5 to 10 minutes.

Poison Ivy: Add two teaspoons to 1/4 cup almond oil or other carrier oil. Dab onto poison ivy repeatedly until blisters heal

Ringworm: Apply two to three drops directly to the affected area several times per day until gone.

Skin Problems: Use one teaspoon in a tub of bath water for a very invigorating bath. It is reported to help sooth and disinfect the skin in cases of psoriasis, eczema and so forth.  That's a lot of uses!!!!!

Splinters: First, soak the afflicted area in hot water to soften the skin. Then, apply Tea Tree Oil full strength. Remove the splinter with a sterilized needle. Clean the cut, dry the area and reapply the oil.

Sunburn: Add five - seven drops to 1/8 cup Vitamin E oil and apply to burned skin frequently or dilute one part Tea Tree Oil with ten parts of olive oil or coconut oil and spread freely over the affected areas. This is reported to be soothing and pain-relieving and to reduce blistering and peeling. People have also applied tea tree oil full strength to sunburn.

Ticks: Apply a drop or two directly to the tick then gently remove tick with tweezers. If tick doesn't let go, apply another drop of tea tree oil.

Warts: Add a drop or two directly to wart frequently until gone.

Yeast Infection: Cisopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). Mix the solution, which should appear milky white. Store the solution in the dropper bottle. Add 10 drops of the solution to a pint of water. Use this douche once a day for a week.


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